Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Orlando 2014

The time is near to register for ORLANDO 2014!! You may have read about it here or elsewhere but words cannot give it justice. It truly is an experience! Go to http://www.momsfindhealing.com/index.php/retreat-faq/

Registration begins May 1st for new attendees and I would love to see you there! If you're nervousness about going to a place where you know no one, rest assured you can come find me and I will pretend like we have been best friends forever :)

I can honestly say that this was life changing for me. There was a aura of positivity, connection, encouragement and understanding like I have never been apart of. There are women in all stages of this walk with trauma and attachment. Women who have walked the walk and women who are just starting out. I have been able to give and receive love, advice, encouragement and more. We would LOVE to see you there :)